
Extraordinary Design Workshop for the Helen Hamlyn Research Centre with support from the British Council.

Inclusive Design 
for Change

Julia Cassim Senior Research Fellow on Inclusive Design for the Helen Hamlyn Centre organised ExtraOrdinary Inclusive Design workshops all over the world. Hazel was invited to lead multi-disciplinary design teams at several of these events including one in Croatia working with drug rehabilitation charity: NEOS.


Hazel lead the team to develop practical ideas that would utilise the charity's resources to help reformed addicts be productive and regain their independence. We worked with NEOS, a printing business with facilities to print on paper or fabric and laser cut vinyl or plastics.


We created a youth targeted brand called Osh? (Osijek slang for 'Wanna?') with a range of easy to produce and affordable products based on the theme of Independence. We created a symbolic visual language to convey fun messages and ask provocative questions like Wanna dance?... Wanna kiss?... perfect for our young adventurous audience.


The project culminated in a public exhibition where we created a pop-up shop to display our products: Kit posters, shopping-list bags, t-shirts, paper wallets, sticker packs and collectable badges. We demonstrated how NEOS could grow the enterprise to improve the lives of people who need their invaluable help.

What we did

  • Creative Leadership
  • Brand Thinking
  • Creative Direction
  • Brand Identity
  • Product Design
  • Pop-Up Exhibition Design